ETP for food industry & its Benefits

Food industry wastewater causes pollution problems due to high chemical oxygen demand and BOD (Biochemical Oxygen Demand). Moreover, the characteristics of wastewater are widely seen and thus a must-have ETP for the food industry. Because of the difference in the type of products manufactured as well as the different fruits and vegetables and raw materials used. Various preservatives, colors, salts, oils, sugar, gelatin, etc. are added according to different product production requirements, increasing the pollution burden.

We provide effective ETP for the food industry. Our ETPs follow a focused and structured process to ensure optimum effluent treatment. Our ETP solutions for a wide range of sectors in the food and beverage industry include the design, manufacture, installation and commissioning of ETP on a turnkey basis for a wide range of effluents and wastewater.


  • Refreshment industry
  • Mineral water industry
  • Dairy industry
  • Meat and poultry preparing industry
  • Solidified and canned sustenance industr


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